Yeh Hai Chahatein
In the Yeh Hai Chahatein drama show storyline. Karun got kidnapped by the same kid-trafficking Mafia from the hospital. Kashvi was risking her life to bring her son back. After searching for more than three days, She finally caught a doctor who is behind all this. She took him to the police and brought her son home. While Arjun was accepted them in his house.
What Happens Next in Yeh Hai Chahatein?
In the future story, you can see a huge twist Arjun got fired from his job. Mahima wanted him to leave Kashvi give her a divorce and take Karun back from her. For that, she was blackmailing him to do it. If you want to dive into the Indian Drama serial and want to watch every episode of your favorite serial without missing any updates. Then stay in touch with us at on our platform.